Conventional techniques of vegetative propagation of Acca sellowiana based on cuttings are difficult because of the low rates of success. Apparently, the phenol oxidation negatively affects the percentage of rooting Micropropagation techniques have been used to overcome such problems. Various reports of the application of tissue culture techniques based on organogenesis in this species have been published elsewhere (Guerra et al. 2001).
These protocols have been based on the culture of nodal segments, apical and axillary bud, and microcuttings, generally showing low efficiency in terms of regenerative potential. In parallel, research efforts have been alternatively directed to the induction and control of somatic embryogenesis (Guerra et al. 2001).
(Guerra et al. 2001).
GUERRA, M. DAL VESCO, L. DUCROQUET, J. NODARI, R. & DOS REIS, M. Somatic embryogenesis in goiabeira serrana: genotype response, auxinic shock and synthetic seeds. Rev. Bras. Fisiol. Veg. [online]. 2001, vol.13, n.2 [cited 2011-05-20], pp. 117-128 . Available from: <>. ISSN 0103-3131. doi: 10.1590/S0103-31312001000200001.
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