The Feijoa (Acca sellowiana (O. Berg) Burret) before Feijoa sellowiana Berg, is a Myrtaceae native from south america, the area is stretching from southern of Brazil, over Uruguay and on the upper west side of Paraguay and of northeastern of Argentina (Schumann & Ludders, 1992). The first description was made by Berg from botanical samples collected by Sellow (whose derived sellowiana) in southern Brazil in 1854, the name feijoa derives, in turn, from the director of the museum of history of St. Sebastian (Brazil), G. de Silva Feijoo (Cacioppo, 1988).

The Feijoa cultivation has been established in other subtropical countries like New Zealand (country where it has done the most research on this fruit), Algeria, Cuba, North Africa, France, Italy, Japan, Russia, United States (California and Florida), Israel, Spain and Uruguay (Cacioppo, 1988; Jackson & Looney, 1999). The arrival of Feijoa to Colombia, is recorded after 1900, it is not known the exact date of introduction to Colombia, but in 1937 Robledo mentions in his book of botany lessons (Campos,1993), although some authors argue that this species was already known in the country.

  1. CACIOPPO, O. 1988. La feijoa. Ed. Mundi-Prensa (Madrid). 13, 26p.
  2. CAMPOS, T. 1993. Propagación de la feijoa por marcotaje modificado (estudios preliminares). AGRO-Desarrollo. 4(1-2), 84-88p.
  3. JACKSON, D. & LOONEY, N. 1999. Temperate and subtropical fruit production. CABI Publishing (New York), 267-269p.
  4. SCHUMANN, M. & LÜDDERS, P. 1992. Cultivation of feijoa: possibilities and limits in Colombia. Erwerbsobstbau (Alemania). 34(4), 110-112p.

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